Our Story…

Founders, Mike and Marcia Rogers have both faced circumstances in their lives where they needed help from others to overcome the challenges they faced.

The unconditional love and care that was given to each of them made an unforgettable impact. Help came for them, not with expectation or demand, but with genuine love and interest only in their lives being enriched and restored. 

Hearts4Service (H4S) is built out of this idea. Witnessing the economic challenges and limited resources that some in the community face, we wanted to give back what we had been given. People who were in lower socioeconomic groups, sober living facilities, single mothers and the elderly to name a few of the people groups who benefit, those who were trying to make ends meet or just stay out of poverty and homelessness needed help. We discovered that most of the individuals who we were trying to help felt better about getting paid for a job or task they completed rather than to just be given a handout. We found that people also need their dignity and self-esteem restored. H4S provides an opportunity that checks all of the boxes. It not only provides pay for the service given, but also provides an experience of the core values all humans need; like grace, love, patience, dignity, deliverance and to be treated with kindness and generosity from a hospitable and safe organization they can trust.

Hearts4Service has created a place for people to go from panhandling or homelessness, not knowing where their next meal might come from, to a place where they can work a day’s job and be paid for what they contribute. In some cases, individuals have an opportunity to get hired on to fulltime employment where they receive benefits, can afford housing and can earn a living for themselves instead of having to rely on government housing or supplements. It’s a win-win. H4S provides our community with a place where individuals can be restored to the point that they are able to give back to the community they were restored in. The Team at H4S is committed to not only helping individuals who need it, but also to setting an example in the community of what it can look like to put God’s love into action… one individual at a time… one service at a time… one heart at a time. 

Meet the Board

  • Emily Mayer

  • Angela Imhoff

  • Zach Morris

  • Morgan Morris

  • Ryan Thornton

  • Kim Thornton